Waste of time Council bashing over recent increases to land valuations
1 min read

JEEPERS, the keyboard warriors have been out in force over the recent release of land valuations for Queensland and unsurprisingly, if not uneducatedly, Fraser Coast Regional Council is in the crosshairs again for something that has nothing to do with them.

Under the Land Valuation Act 2010, the Valuer-General values land in Queensland.

The Valuer-General is the independent head of the State Valuation Service, Department of Resources.

The Valuer-General’s land valuations are used to calculate local government rates, rents for state leasehold land and state land tax.

If you pay attention to local commentary, you will read references to Council having to pay for the new Administration Centre somehow, or Council Officers getting a big fat raise.

That’s all folly. It has nothing to do with Council. We can’t have it both ways. We cannot bask in the opportunities presented by a sharply rising property market and then complain that we have to pay a little more for the privilege.

The surge in property values signifies a community on the rise, showcasing a region that has vibrant growth. 

Elevated property worth not only amplifies equity but also offers leverage for borrowing, empowering individuals to invest in ventures beyond real estate. It creates jobs.

It mirrors a thriving urban landscape advancing into the future with opportunity and promise.

Hervey Bay stands out as a prime beneficiary of the property boom, surpassing many regional counterparts nationwide.

Forecasts from reporting agencies suggest certain suburbs could skyrocket by up to 75% in the next five years. 

With land valuations tracking the upward trajectory of house prices, the city’s prosperity is set to elevate across the board.

While perusing numerous social media platforms, I’ve encountered a pervasive atmosphere of doom and gloom in commentary. Surprisingly, amidst this, there’s a noticeable absence of discontent regarding the substantial increase in property value.

Hervey Bay is a destination city now. It is firmly on the map. Strap in for the ride. It is going to be an exciting one.
