18th April Edition 2024
6 min read

Beam Mobility Scooter

Dear Editor,

I'd like to publicly ask a question of our Council in a public forum (transparency and accountability etc) because I'm not confident I'd get a legitimate answer otherwise. It relates to the Beam Mobility Scooter company that operates in Hervey Bay.

The park on Buccaneer Drive Urangan once had a bike rack adjacent to the gym equipment, I and many other ratepayers used it quite regularly it was the only bike rack in the area, that was until it was REMOVED by I can only assume the Council and replaced with Beam Mobility Scooters.

I use the park and the gym equipment daily and the number of scooters parked blocking the equipment and seating is skyrocketing. This week on average there have been a minimum of 20 scooters parked on public land every day.

Now I don't know what their usage figures are but considering there is a carpark 20 meters away I'm guessing the public facilities have become Beam Mobility's storage area.

I want to know, how this happened and what financial agreement is in place to favour a private business at the cost of ratepayers.

Jim Jones

Millionaires' playground

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing so many opinions for and against the proposed high rise development on the Esplanade.

FCRC may approve a twin tower millionaires' playground for Hervey Bay but hang on ... we don't even have a conference centre here, let alone a casino or a nightclub, a multi-story carpark or Messina gelateria. Look around at what attracts big spenders to other places like Noosa and the Gold Coast. It's not dog-friendly beaches and fish and chips shops. It's not Stocklands and Big W.

Is there anyone in Council willing and able to answer the many reasonable questions raised by people writing to the Editor re road closure, parking and accommodation for workers during tower construction and workers after tower opening, impact on business along the Esplanade, environmental impact, health services impact etc? And was this same project rejected by the Bundaberg Council?

As ratepayers, we'd like to see some answers as well as opinions.

Yours sincerely,

Barbara Hoare and Francis Sullivan


Vote Early

In reference to the letters published on 4 April, if you are a non-working retiree, or disabled person, unemployed or on annual leave early voting is a very good option to avoid long delays.

For the most recent council election, I arrived at the only local early voting centre in the scout hall on Andrew Street, Scarness on the first Wednesday of the early voting fortnight at about 11:00am, quickly found a place to park nearby, queued for about three minutes, checked-in, cast my votes, and left the building. The whole thing took just over five minutes.

How easy was that?

James Turner,  Urangan.

Comment to letters to the editor edition#83

I just don’t get the whining about having to wait sooo long to vote. Being 80 (not me) and/or crutches/walkers etc., it is beyond my comprehension WHY one would go voting on voting day. There are two weeks prior when they can vote. I was in and out in no time and didn’t have to line up either as I was on crutches. Moral of the story: don’t wait for the last day!

Inge Boettcher - Dundowran Beach

Save the date

Wednesday 5th June Fraser Coast Industry and Careers Showcase 10.00am to 4pm Maryborough Showgrounds.

The Fraser Coast Industry & Careers Showcase connects employers and trainers with today's students and jobseekers and tomorrow's workforce.

This exciting event, which is now in its third year, will allow you to promote your business to secondary students and job seekers and connect with other like-minded businesses and industry groups.

This event is hosted by the Fraser Coast Regional Jobs Committee (Jobs Fraser Coast), which is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.


Proposed Development

This proposed development is still a cause for angst among many on the Fraser Coast but moreso in Hervey Bay.

The three letters in last week’s paper said what the majority are thinking.  I will now add another major concern.

I recently had to take overseas visitors to Hervey Bay Hospital emergency, after a dog attack…(that’s another story!!).  We were 6 1/2 hrs there.  There were “no beds” available as they were being occupied.  I believe there are only 10 beds in the area off waiting room.  One side of that area was closed and in the dark.  We were advised whilst in the waiting room, that an orthopaedic surgeon would need to check the several deep holes from the bites, BUT the surgeon was in theatre, prob 2-3 hours.  This at approx 7pm ish.  Tetanus was administered, in a corridor, then we were told to again wait in the waiting room.

The patient was taken onto a bed at approx 9pm.  We asked when the surgeon OR a doctor could look at the wound, as he should be out of theatre by now.  We were advised he’d scrubbed up already and didn’t have time to come down…maybe after this op.

Approximately 10pm a very nice young doctor came.  We were advised the surgeon had gone home as he had more surgery in the morning.  The wounds needed cleaning and had been bleeding now for almost 7 hours.  An antibiotic infusion had been given already.  We were sent home after being told they MAY be able to get our friend into surgery sometime tomorrow, but not certain.  THE NEXT DAY WAS A NIGHTMARE…no need to detail any more… it got worse.

My reason for stating the above is this.  Our hospital cannot cope now with the number of residents needing help.  We were advised that there was ONLY ONE THEATRE available for ER, the hospital in general and for any other urgent ops.  OMG!  There were ‘helpers’ on the ER ward helping nurses, but were unable to access medication without authority.  You could tell they were all stressed.  A lady with chest pain, whose daughter had to push and jump through hoops and push hard to get tests done.,..after waiting 7 hours was sent home….  She was absolutely ropeable….as were many others we saw and heard.

What does council think is going to happen when we have the massive influx of residents in a high rise building, plus the amount of residents in new estates going up everywhere.  The infrastructure is not there to cope with any of this let alone the ER/hospital.

First and foremost the hospital needs a massive infusion of money together with a recruitment drive for staff.   $3 million (paid $2m already) for dingo management??? That money should have gone toward medical services in the Fraser Coast.  AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY.

Council and our Government representatives need to get their acts together and prioritise the NEEDS of the area, not just see $$ signs in building unnecessary structures that achieve nothing.  ANGRY.  You Bet ya!!  Imagine the stories about the health system when the visitor returns home.


Syl Mod
